お正月明けを考えたら憂鬱→前向きに切り替えるには? Feeling Blue About the End of a Long Break?






  • 生活リズムの乱れ:長期休暇中の不規則な生活(睡眠時間や食事)が、通常のリズムに戻る際に負担を引き起こす。
  • 自由からの切り替え:休暇中の自由な時間が制限されることで、不満や不安を感じる。
  • 仕事や学校へのプレッシャー:溜まった業務や人間関係への不安がストレスを増加させる。
  • 疲労の蓄積:レジャーや旅行による疲れも影響する。




















  • 創造性の向上:集中することで深い思考が可能になり、新しいアイデアを生み出せる。
  • ストレス軽減:他の心配事を忘れ、リラックスした状態になる。






  • 自己理解の深化:自身の強みや思考の癖を明確化し、理想の生き方を見つける手助けになる。
  • 心の整理とリフレッシュ:ネガティブな感情を整理し、新しいスタートを切るきっかけを作る。
  • 満足度向上:自身の大切な価値観に気づき、充実感や幸福感が高まる。





Feeling Blue About the End of a Long Break?

Does the thought of your vacation ending make you feel down? Many people might find themselves in this situation after a long holiday. I used to feel the same way, but not anymore. In fact, I now look forward to my daily routines. Here, I’d like to share some tips on how to approach post-holiday blues positively. I’ll also explain some common reasons why many people feel this way.

Understanding Post-Holiday Blues

The first step to overcoming post-holiday blues is identifying its causes:

  • Disrupted routines: Irregular sleep and eating patterns during holidays can make returning to a normal schedule challenging.
  • Freedom to structure: The shift from the freedom of holidays to structured daily routines may create feelings of dissatisfaction or anxiety.
  • Work or school pressure: Piled-up tasks and concerns about interpersonal relationships can increase stress.
  • Fatigue accumulation: Holiday activities like travel or outings can leave you physically drained.

These factors can impact your mental and physical well-being, leading to decreased focus and increased stress.

Tips to Transition Back to Routine Positively

Adjusting Sleep Patterns Gradually

It’s easy to oversleep or nap more during holidays, but returning to normal life with such habits can be tough. Try to gradually shift your sleep schedule back to normal as your break nears its end. Ideally, aim to sleep on time on your last vacation day. Research also suggests that oversleeping can have negative health impacts, so watch out for that holiday “sleep debt.”

Balancing Calorie Intake

Did you gain a little weight over the holidays? For me, it was about 1 kg this New Year’s break—not bad at all! Instead of stressing over it, I approach it calmly. It takes about 7,200 calories to lose 1 kg, so I plan to shed it over a month by reducing daily calorie intake by 230–240 kcal or burning it through exercise. This could mean skipping a large rice ball daily or taking a 50-minute walk.

Transitioning Between Freedom and Structure

Even during vacations, I like to trick myself into feeling productive. For instance, reading a magazine or skimming through a book makes me feel like I’m “studying” and gives me a sense of accomplishment. This strategy reduces the mental gap between holidays and workdays.

Dealing with Work Pressure

For me, the key is not letting the pressure get to me. If someone tries to stress me out, I step back, observe the situation like a third party, and strategize when I’m alone at my desk. This mental distancing helps me stay calm and avoid unnecessary emotional strain.

Finding Joy in Daily Life

Focusing on Things Only Possible in Everyday Life

Do you have things that can only be done in your daily life?
For me, I never really thought about it during my student days or when I was single. However, after having children and finding it harder to carve out personal time, I finally discovered what “things that can only be done in everyday life” truly mean.

Appreciate Unique Daily Experiences

Are there things in your daily life you can only enjoy during weekdays? For me, it’s the little things—early morning walks, grabbing coffee at a café, or reading a book in the evening. These moments add a sense of structure and motivation to my weekdays.

Dive into Work or Study

Being fully immersed in work or study can be surprisingly satisfying. It not only boosts productivity and quality but also reduces stress and enhances creativity.

Making Daily Life More Enjoyable

he bigger the gap between holidays and weekdays, the more likely you are to feel blue when a long holiday comes to an end. If that’s the case, why not try to make your weekdays closer to the way you spend your holidays or create a state where your weekdays can also be enjoyable?

Reassess Your Values and Reflect on How You Want to Live

t’s not easy to change your lifestyle overnight, but by periodically taking stock of your life and values, you can reevaluate your daily activities. While factors like parenting or caregiving may limit what you can change, incorporating and accepting these realities into your reflection process can bring several benefits:

  • Deepened Self-Understanding: Clarify your strengths and thought patterns, helping you identify your ideal way of life.
  • Mental Organization and Refreshment: Organize negative emotions and create an opportunity for a fresh start.
  • Increased Satisfaction: Recognize what truly matters to you, leading to greater fulfillment and happiness.

This act of taking stock of your values may seem unrelated to everyday life, but it allows for a better understanding of yourself. It helps you recognize, “These daily routines are leading me toward my ideal self.” Conversely, it may make you realize, “This daily routine won’t lead to my ideal life.” If it’s the latter, then it’s time to carve out some moments to create a life plan. Begin by considering where your daily habits are taking you. If you believe your daily efforts will lead to your ideal future, then you’ll likely enjoy the journey much more.

Taking a Bold Step to Change Your Lifestyle

If reassessing your values leaves you questioning whether your current path is right or feeling overwhelmed by your daily life, then it might be worth considering a bold lifestyle change. After all, life is short, and enduring constant struggles is something you’d want to avoid. Adjusting your daily habits—like incorporating exercise, waking up early, or revisiting your household routines—or even planning significant changes in your living or work environment could be worthwhile. Even if immediate changes aren’t possible, just making a plan is a crucial first step. Start small and take it one step at a time.

This post was my attempt to share how to tackle post-holiday blues positively. Did any of these tips resonate with you? As this is my first blog post, I’m eager to hear your thoughts and grow with your feedback. Let’s make this year a bright one for all of us! 🌟

